Social networking sites makes more impact even on people who have no knowledge about Internet and websites. People would like to have ids on all social networking sites to keep in contact with different regional friends and of course it helps them to learn different culture. Generally, we want to create user id for all the social networking sites. Creating Ids are not enough and we need to update our status and should utilize all the facilities which is being provided by those sites.
Here, In this blog I gonna write about the social networking site which I admired a lot. IBIBO is the site that provides me a lot of friends and mentors. I just want to write some significant features of ibibo which pulls me to create id and keep in touch with it.
IBIBO is the social networking site especially created for Indians with the slogan of “I BUILD - I BOND” . IBIBO providing more offers to their members like free sms sending to their friends, free mobile calling and so on. Also, They are conducting some competition for the members like IBIBO Fresh Face, Best Beach Body, Best Singer, Best Actor, Best Dancers, Best Models and so on. Online polling will decides the winner of those competition and members only can poll their votes for the participants.
Like our politicians, participants will ask for votes from their network friends and friend's friends. After some time period, the votes will be counted and the site moderator will announce the winner depends on their votes. Winners will get prizes from sponsors and the boys who won i-Hunk contest got chance to act an ads film. IBIBO has changed their life by providing these type of career opportunities.
I have been member of ibibo since it has been started. I have been watching each and every growth of this site and which is really healthy one. I have learned from ibibo that social networking sites are really healthy one, it build unbroken bonds between different culture people.
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